The Board met on May 23, 2019.  For those residents unable to attend, here is an unofficial recap of the meeting.  The official minutes will be approved at the next Board meeting and made available on this site.

Quorum was established, proper posting of meeting noticed was verified and minutes of the 5/9/19 and 5/16/19 meetings were approved.

One owner spoke in open forum to request emergency numbers be added to Bulletin Board and by gate entry access box.

President’s Report noted that towing will be on an as-needed basis and discussed that Crowders is aware of grass issues.  Also discussed concerns with resident letter that contained false statements. Treasurer’s Report noted expenses were under budget. Management Report noted walk-through was conducted to identify how many dead plants need to be replaced.  Letter coming out soon that old gate code will be deactivated, residents to use new gate code. 

Spirit Committee announced Donuts for Dads event June 15. Grounds Committee discussed issues with grass that is cut too short and areas of Bermuda grass that need to be replaced.

Old Business.  A plan to improve drainage on Fox Sparrow Rd is out for bid.  Midge issue seems to be improving.  Board has submitted to attorney Release of Waiver from developer.  Solution to speeding discussed—will reach out to CAI for options and contact vendor to get bid on possibly using stop signs for North/South traffic on Fox Sparrow and Crowned Sparrow.  Late fee issue was addressed but need more info from Greenacre about number of late fees from Jan and Feb prior to change in policy on Feb 28.  Formed ad hoc Document Review Committee to continue work on Community Standards started by Board. 

New Business.  One ARC application for screened patio approved.  Greenacre sent owner of dog involved in attack notice for dog to be removed from community.  Discussed and approved members for all committees.  Greenacre reaching out to roof inspectors for recent storm damage and to TECO for straightening light poles and transformers.  Plan to get estimate for damage to entry gate.  Issues with exterior paint following recent washing due to contractor not using primer—affected residents may need to follow up with warranty.  Approved several bids for different vendors including landscaping and replacing sling fabric in pool chairs/lounges.  Discussed getting a bid for a gate to block off trespassers from using TECO areas.  Some discussion about the 5 member Board, concern with not enough volunteers to run.  Will put together some information in a future mailing to determine interest level for being on the Board before increasing to 5 members.

Next Board Meeting is scheduled for June 27, 2019, 6:30PM at Greenacre Properties.