We would like your assistance in helping determine how to best allocate guest and resident parking spaces throughout our Westlake community. To ensure all residences are represented, please either complete the survey or click the Opt Out option at the beginning of the survey.  For those who are new to Westlake, a short history of how parking in the community has evolved is below the link.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LFR5N7F
Deadline: Please respond no later than Monday, October 22, 2018.

When Westlake was initially developed, all common area parking spaces were designated as Guest parking only. In 2017 due to the requests of some residents, the Board at that time established an ad hoc Parking Committee to review the parking situation and subsequently reallocated some of the spaces to Resident parking.  Since the community is now complete, we want to do a survey to gather input from the community as to how the parking spaces should be allocated before a final decision is made.