It has been observed that some people have been walking through the front drive-through gates. Pedestrians should always use the sidewalk gate to enter and exit the community and never walk through the drive-through gates, as it is not safe.  We been advised by the gate company that the sensor loops on the front drive-through gates are not designed for pedestrian traffic. They sense the large amount of metal in a vehicle, which is why they are designed to be driven through by a vehicle only.

Also, the sensor loops may not pick up bicycles or motorcycles, as bicycles and some models of motorcycles do not have enough metal for the sensors to pick up. Therefore, extreme caution should always be used when entering or exiting the drive-through gates on a bicycle or motorcycle.  It is also very important that these modes of transportation and also vehicles always stay within the correct marked lane for the direction of travel when entering or exiting the gate.  Bicycles may use the sidewalk gate to enter or exit the community.