Please take a moment to review these important community reminders:

Fireworks and Pets – With the Fourth of July just a few weeks away, we’re starting to see tents pop up with all kinds of options for sale. Before you buy, remember that fireworks are not allowed in Townhomes of West Lake.  Many residents have pets that are sensitive to fireworks. The loud sounds create extreme anxiety and fear so we’re sending this reminder now, when the fireworks tents start to appear.
As a reminder, the discharge/launching/igniting of fireworks, other than sparklers, are not permitted anywhere within the Townhomes of West Lake. This includes your property/backyard/driveway, common areas, sidewalks and streets including Fox Sparrow all the way to Sheldon Road and the area under the TECO lines.

All is not lost, however. Here is a link to local fireworks venues:

Pet Walking – The only designated walking areas for pets within the gates are on the sidewalks next to the streets and in the common areas at the corners where the pet waste stations are located. There is no common area between the buildings. Please do not let your pets wander into the patch of grass in front of, beside or in the rear of someone else’s home; that is their private property.  Also, please keep your pets on a leash at all times when they are outside your home.

Pool – As summer is here, please take some time to read the pool and cabana rules posted at the pool and in your Book of Community Standards.  These rules are for safety and also help to keep our insurance costs at a reasonable level, which impacts our dues.  Some highlights are:

  • Pool hours are from 7AM-Dusk. If the streetlights come on, that is considered dusk. Anyone using the pool outside these hours may have pool use suspended or be charged with trespassing.
  • No food or beverages are allowed in the pool or on the pool wet deck, which means a 4 foot wide area around the pool. Glass should never be brought into the pool area. 
  • Please note that there is a maximum of 5 guests per household per visit at the pool and cabana. This means that no large private parties are allowed. 

When you leave the pool and cabana areas, please return the furniture to its normal place and clean up any messes.  

No Cooking Oil or Grease Down the Drain 
– We’ve had multiple service calls on the lift station, and the service provider said we have an issue developing with oils and grease in the lines. Used cooking oils and grease are a serious problem for your home’s plumbing and our wastewater collection system and lift station. Cooking oil or grease that is poured down the drain gels and solidifies inside your home’s pipes, sewage lines and our sewage lift stations, constricting water flow. That can back up your plumbing and also cause equipment to malfunction, leading to sewage spills, overflows, added community expenses and foul odors.