Help Us Plan Fun Community Events! The Community Spirit Committee meets monthly to plan all of our fun community events–like ice cream socials, barbecues, brunches, game nights, charity collections, etc. Come help us plan events–we[...]
It’s March 14 (3.14) and you know that that means… it’s PI Day!!! Join your West Lake neighbors at the cabana to celebrate! Join your West Lake neighbors at the cabana for PIZZA PIE and[...]
Monthly HOA Board meeting via Zoom conference call. Zoom call-in information will be sent before the meeting via email. Agenda will be posted on bulletin board by mail center.
Cool off with a delicious frozen treat, mix and mingle with friends and neighbors! Ice Cream catered by Howdy Doodles! We’ll take RSVPs closer to the event, but for now, SAVE THE DATE! Brought[...]
Help Us Plan Fun Community Events! The Community Spirit Committee meets monthly to plan all of our fun community events–like ice cream socials, barbecues, brunches, game nights, charity collections, etc. Come help us plan events–we[...]
Monthly HOA Board meeting via Zoom conference call. Zoom call-in information will be sent before the meeting via email. Agenda will be posted on bulletin board by mail center.
Every second Saturday in May, letter carriers in more than 10,000 cities and towns across America collect the goodness and compassion of their postal customers, who participate in the NALC Stamp Out Hunger National Food[...]